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General information

Your account comes with several free PHP cgi scripts. They are already installed and ready for use. To change the configuration of a script, edit configuration files in the directory of this script. To begin using the script, click the icon next to the script location.

*All the scripts are freeware and reference links to the script
developers are included.

Name Description Location
Virtual PHP Chat Virtual PHP Chat allows your users to conduct virtual meetings on-line. It is a small and simple chat web application which uses a flat file as a database. /cp/scripts/PHP/chat/ Preview
spiderDiscussion SpiderDiscussion will allow you to display how many visitors your website has received. It is a graphical counter. Custom digit images can be used. Leading zeroes can be added to the count to achieve a speedometer effect. The counter can track only unique IP addresses or count all hits. /cp/scripts/PHP/counter/ Preview
Jevonweb Guestbook This is a simple PHP guestbook for personal websites. It is very easy to setup and to use.It does not require a database, it uses a flat database file. /cp/scripts/PHP/guestbook/ Preview